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In preparation for the 21st Annual Convention of the Philippine Society of Vascular Medicine (PSVM), we are now accepting abstracts and manuscripts for the following categories:  Case Reports, Meta-analysis, Original Study. These should have a PSVM fellow(s) as co-author(s).


1.     The abstract and manuscript should be typewritten, saved in PDF format and submitted electronically.  The front title page should not contain the names of the authors and institution.  The following format should be followed:

a.     Use a 12-point Atrial font

b.     The abstract should be written in 300 words or less with the following sections:  Introduction, Case Summary (for case reports), Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion.  It should not contain any figures or tables.

c.     The entire manuscript should contain the Abstract, Introduction and Background, Clinical Research Question, General and Specific Objectives, Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria, Research Design and Methodology, Results, Discussion, Conclusion and Implications to Practice, References

d.     All background data should be properly referenced.


2.     Original studies should have been conducted ethically and approved by an institutional ethics review committee.  All papers should have been reviewed and approved by the training institution’s research coordinator or training committee.


3.     Manuscripts must not have been presented, not for presentation, not published or being reviewed for publication.  


4.     Each abstract and manuscript should be accompanied by a cover letter with the title of the research paper and the category (case report, meta-analysis, original study), all authors and name of institution, with the statement that the paper has been reviewed by the training committee and ethics review committee of the institution and that the paper submitted is their original work. All authors should sign the cover letter. The email address and phone number of the primary author should be provided.


5.     The author may publish the paper in their preferred journal within 6 months from presentation at the PSVM convention if the paper is accepted. After this time period, the PSVM reserves the right to submit this for online publication in the website or other journals.


6.     The deadline of submission is July 30, 2024 and should be submitted to the following email address:


7.     Only papers with complete submissions will be considered for the research contest.  Authors of accepted papers will be notified through email and personal number.


Room 502 Medical Arts Bldg

St Luke's Medical Center

279 E. Rodriguez St. Blvd, Quezon City Philippines



+63 2 723-0301 loc 6502

Thanks for submitting!

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